Injury Screening

Injury Screening has become an important part of an athlete‘s training routine, particularly in elite sport. It Is an opportunity for you to be seen by us regarding an injury or chronic ailment. If you ignore the injury or pain for too long, certain tissue changes may occur.
About Injury Screening
Pre-screening involves the assessment of an athlete’s level of health before they become instigate a new training program. Pre-screening prevents injuries, reduces the occurrence of muscle soreness and promotes high levels of motivation by ensuring that programs are tailored to the unique needs of the individual athlete.
The aim of Injury screening is to assess recovery from any previous injury and to assess the presence of proven (very few) or suspected risk factors for future injury. Athletes involved in sports associated with a high risk of specific joint or muscle injuries, such as swimmers’ shoulders and pitchers’ elbows, should have specific assessments performed on these areas.